Want to share your gifts with the world and get paid? Would you like some extra money for vacations and more art supplies? Not sure where to start?

Invest in yourself. Invest in your passion.

If you're an artist who dreams of selling art and discovering the potential for a more fulfilling life, then joining Bloom will be a wonderful step towards making your dreams a reality. You’ll be taking the first step towards joining a vibrant community of fellow artists, where you'll find not only the freedom you've been seeking but also the opportunity to learn and grow together.  

We're here to help you build a creative business, and within our supportive community, you'll discover a wealth of knowledge, experience, and encouragement. It's a space where artists come together, benefit from each other's expertise, and collectively create the lives they've always dreamed of.

I help creatives who are frustrated, overwhelmed and stuck trying to grow their business to become confident, supported and successful getting paid to do what they love!

Here's what you get in the Bloom membership!

  • Live Zoom Coaching

    Two Live Coaching Calls every month. These Live coaching sessions are where all the gold lies—covering business topics, mindset advice, Q+A, brainstorming, and much more. Each session will be 1-2 hours and recorded.

  • Resources

    Bonus videos, guides, book recommendations, biz podcasts I love, and much more! This will be a growing library of inspirational and useful content to help you grow your business and reach your goals.

  • Private Facebook Group

    This will be private and a fantastic place to communicate during the month along with our Live coaching sessions. Remember, we are better together. It's a great place to share your business ideas, and what's working, and encourage each other.

Hi! I'm Andrea

I will be your biggest cheerleader! Because if I can do it, then so can you. After working 20+ years as a Creative Director in the corporate world and then growing a side hustle art business, I decided to take a leap and go out on my own! 5 years later and I've never looked back. While becoming a successful full-time artist and coach, I have finally found my mission; inspiring others to find their creative joy – whether in their art practice or business.

Only $49 per month or $490 per year (2 months free)

Creativity through community: Where artists flourish together.

"Andrea is such an inspirational artist and educator! She’s a wealth of information and she shares extremely joyfully and generously in all of her courses and communities! I’ve followed Andrea’s creative journey for quite some time and I’ve been blow away by what she’s been able to accomplish in her art business over the past few years. I’m so grateful to have had the pleasure of learning from Andrea as a fellow artist, as her student and as and her friend…to know her is to love her! " - Jennifer

"The members of the group have so much to offer individually, and when we all come together collectively we get to share ideas, practical actions, successes and challenges. It’s not easy to find this level of creative camaraderie to support each other, and reaching our goals!  I highly recommend  the membership group to anyone interested in becoming a successful art entrepreneur, regardless of where you are on your artistic journey! " - Jen R.

"I LOVE the Mindset Reset emails that Andrea send the Bloom Collective every Monday. I highly encourage you considering joining Bloom! It's so amazing. Andrea's generosity is great - it's that and so much more!" - Libby

I believe that Creativity is our Superpower. I also believe we all have gifts to share and beauty to spread. ​

Ready to innovate and grow your creative business? Struggling with Imposter Syndrome blocking your path to success? Ready to shift your mindset and invite abundance into your life?

Bloom is designed to empower aspiring and emerging artists like you to break free from the creative roadblocks and transform your passion into profit.


  • What do members get?

    • 2 Zoom Live Coaching Sessions – all recorded • Private Facebook • Periodic bite-sized video trainings, tips, and resources. • Community and support. • Weekly member's email called Mindset Mondays too get your week started off in the right direction. • Open access to a professional who is happy to share everything so that you don’t have to waste time figuring it out on your own.

  • Who is this for?

    • People who want to sell their work and get paid to do what they love • People who enjoy selling art but need some extra guidance and accountability to make it happen. • People who want to invest in themselves and who are looking for a sense of community. • Artists who want to share images of their word, provide thoughtful feedback on other's art biz, and grow as a business with a welcoming community along the way.

  • What is the cost and can I cancel?

    THere is a monthly membership payment of $49 each month, an automatic recurring charge. You will be charged this same amount every month, but you may cancel anytime. The monthly fee may increase for others in the future, but you will only be charged the current price as long as you remain in Bloom. My goal is to provide you with a constant source of creativity and inspiration, and I appreciate your ongoing support to make it happen!

Want to share your gifts with the world and get paid? Would you like some extra money for vacations and more art supplies? Not sure where to start?